

在短短四个学期内,100%在线获得BSN学位! 注册一个 CCNE认证 path是格鲁吉亚最好的注册护士到BSN项目之一. 



The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for registered nurses (RN转BSN) is for individuals who are already licensed as registered nurses (RN). 课程 are offered in a 100%的在线 asynchronous format with program admission during the fall semester only. 

Exciting 在线博彩…Beginning Fall 2021 the RN转BSN program will be joining in a collaborative agreement with other RN转BSN programs in Georgia. We will have the same great program; however, 其中五门课程为8周的学期, 100%的在线, 每学时199美元的低学费, 开放教育资源(无教材). 如果您有任何问题,请在线博彩的护理顾问 更新的学习计划, which includes the five e-major RN转BSN collaborative courses and the 在线博彩 RN转BSN courses. 感谢您选择在线博彩的注册护士转BSN项目!! 

该计划包括一个多样化的课程,重点是人文和技术, 强调护理的艺术和科学. The four-semester structure of the program also gives students the opportunity to complete any prerequisite core courses and still practice as a part-time or full-time RN.

The RN转BSN path at 在线博彩 prepares registered nurses for contemporary healthcare environments and professional advancement.


Applicants seeking admission to the RN转BSN program should be self-directed and committed to engaging in caring nursing practices with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 护理实践是整体的,认识到思想,身体和精神的关系. 作为批判性思考者, 学生将被要求检查个人的价值体系和他人的价值体系. Students seeking admission to this program should consider their personal goals and values in light of those expressed in the philosophy of the program. 有关申请和录取的详细说明,请点击这里. Note: It would be beneficial if you would print off this document to help you keep track of your Application and Admission journey.

教师 in the RN转BSN program view registered nurse students as colleagues and make every attempt to structure learning experiences to meet the needs of adult learners. 承认护理副学士学位或文凭是进一步学习的基础, 临床经验被确定为补充注册注册护士以前的经验. Applicants f或者一个dmission should be aware of the difficulties that may be encountered in attempting to work full-time while completing RN转BSN nursing courses and core courses.

注册护士到BSN计划是完全由认证 大学护理教育委员会2001年,华盛顿特区K街西北655号750室,电话: (202) 887-8476,传真:202-887-8476.

University of West Georgia monitors regulations governing online 教育 at the state and federal level. 截至2016年3月, 在线博彩被批准加入国家授权互惠协议(SARA), as part of the state of Georgia's membership and as of May 2017 the State of Georgia joined the Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC). 因此,在线博彩可能会招收许多居民,但不是全部,格鲁吉亚以外的州.

居住在乔治亚州以外的未来学生应该联系 deregs@stone-cold.net 或在线博彩在线 (678) 839-6248 , 有关其居住州的更多信息和状态更新, 因为一些限制可能很快就会被取消.

Prospective students who reside outside the state of Georgia who are considering a professional program (nursing, 教育, 社会工作, 咨询, 联合医疗专业, veterinary medicine) should contact the appropriate Board in their state of residency prior to beginning a course of study. 在线博彩 cannot confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in the student’s state.

如果您计划转学到在线博彩,请点击此链接阅读相关信息 入学要求 去大学. 护理学院要求GPA达到2分.进入注册护士到BSN项目的费用是5美元. 注册主任办公室网站上也提供了一个链接,您可以在其中获取 相当于本科转学课程. 一旦你申请了在线博彩, 并且被接受了, it can take up to four weeks f或者是 Registrars Office to complete your individual transfer evaluation. 如有疑问,请联系 本科招生 或者是 注册处. 请记住,每个护理项目都是不同的, 其他机构的护理项目可能需要不同的先决课程.

Please keep in mind that your application to the Tanner Health System School of Nursing is in addition to the application f或者是 University of West Georgia.

  1. 如何申请注册护士转BSN在线课程? 在线博彩本科申请和RN转BSN项目申请
  2. 在线课程的申请截止日期是什么时候? Fall admission only: May 1: first round; however, 7月1日的第二轮申请可能会被考虑.
  3. 入学的GPA要求是什么? 2.5平均绩点
  4. 入学的最低要求是什么? 最低要求文件
  5. 我怎样才能知道以前的哪些课程可以转学? 本科转学分课程网站. Once you have accessed the link, follow the step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the site:
    • 使用下拉菜单询问“您要转移哪个州”?
    • choose the state in the drop down menu, then click the right side tab that states “Get State”.
    • 使用下拉菜单查找所选州的学校.
    • choose the school in the drop down menu, then click the right side tab that states “Get School”.
    • 屏幕将提示您选择一个 完整的报告 或者一个 主题报告. 选择 完整的报告 from the drop down menu and click on the “I understand” tab to acknowledge the disclaimer message.
    • the page will then show a list of all classes/course numbers at the chosen school (left side of page) and what class/course number that the courses transfer to 在线博彩 (right side of the page). 另外,请参阅 研究领域的RN到BSN核心课程计划.
  6. 我可以在参加NCLEX考试前申请这个项目吗? 是的, learners can apply to the program before sitting f或者是 NCLEX-RN; however, they must provide proof of authorization to sit f或者是 exam and be successful on the exam prior to the start of classes.
  7. 我需要乔治亚州注册护士执照来申请吗? To be admitted to the program you must hold an active GA RN license OR hold an active license in a state that is part of the 紧凑型许可协议.
  8. 在我申请在线博彩或注册护士转BSN项目之前,我可以和指导老师见面吗? Learners wishing to meet with a nursing academic advisor must be admitted to 在线博彩 and have completed 在线博彩 online (separate from the RN转BSN program online orientation) orientation in order to be advised). 然而, if you would like someone to review your unofficial transcripts and are 23 years of age or older, 请联系: 退伍军人和军事项目办公室.
  9. 在线注册护士到BSN项目需要多长时间? 连续四学期,学习30个学分
  10. 费用是多少?? 每学时网上学费低, 提供奖学金,一定要查看你的医疗机构的学费援助计划
  11. 有在线注册护士到BSN课程的方向吗? 是的, there is an online self-paced RN转BSN program orientation that will be made available in July prior to starting the fall semester in August. 然而, learners are required to register for fall classes to be added to the orientation course. Please note that the online program orientation is not the same as the online university orientation that must be completed pri或者一个dmission into the RN转BSN program.
  12. 我必须完成临床在线注册护士到BSN计划吗? 是的, 90 hours are required the last semester (Capstone Leadership and Management Clinical course). Thirty of those clinical hours will be spent working on an evidence based quality improvement project.
  13. 在线注册护士到BSN的程序有多严格? Learners can expect the online program to be just as rigorous and challenging as on-campus programs. THSSON是关怀科学课程的典范, 教师们在以学生为中心的环境中致力于学术卓越.
  14. 注册护士和学习BSN的学生有奖学金吗? 护理奖学金链接.
  15. BSN学位的好处是什么?
    • 增强沟通、领导和批判性思维能力
    • 经证实可降低病人/客户的死亡率/发病率
    • 加薪
    • 为护士担任领导职务做好准备
    • 为护士准备研究生学位课程
    • 为医疗保健机构准备磁铁状态


欲了解更多信息,请联系本科副院长, Dr. 康妮巴伯.
入学信息请联系学术顾问 朱莉拉森.




“I can remember instructors constantly reminding me to think critically in all situations but especially during emergency situations,”她说。. “Working in NYC, I had to constantly keep a check on myself to stay in a critical thinking mindset. 我想让我的情绪进入,但为了病人和我的团队,我必须保持坚强.”




Tammy McClenny,教育学博士,MSN, RN 注册护士,BSN项目主任和助理教授


- 副院长兼助理教授
Tammy McClenny,教育学博士,MSN, RN 注册护士,BSN项目主任和助理教授