Payment of Tuition and Fees

The Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services handles tuition and fee payment and can assist you with any questions regarding payments.

Payments are accepted online (webcheck or credit card) via BanWeb or in-person (cash, check, or money order/cashier's check) at the Cashier's window in Aycock Hall. To learn more about the payment process, please visit our Payment of Tuition and Fees page. 

Payment plans for upcoming and current semesters are available through our partner Nelnet. For important details about payment plans, please visit our Payment Plan page.

Refund Information

For more information regarding the disbursement of refunds or for information on how to authorize your financial aid award to pay off previous term balances, please visit the Refund Information page. 

If you are due a refund of fees/charges and DO NOT receive financial aid you should check with the Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services to find out when to obtain your refund or email

Short Term Loans

The Institutional Emergency Short Term Loan Department offers funds to assist currently enrolled students who need temporary financial assistance. These funds can be used to assist with tuition payments, book expenses, or personal use. For more information, visit our Short Term Loans page. 

Perkins Loans

The Perkins Loan Office provides information and support regarding the re-payment of federal Perkins loans. For more information, please visit our Perkins Loan Office page.

Third Party Billing

The Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services accepts payments from third party sponsors for the tuition and related charges of a sponsored student. A third party sponsor can be a government agency, private company or a private organization that pays all, or a portion, of a student’s invoice directly to the university. The payment must be unconditional. It cannot be contingent on academic performance or employee reimbursement policies. For more information, please visit the Third Party Billing page. 

Form 1098-T Information

Eligible educational institutions file Form 1098-T for each student they enroll and for whom a reportable transaction is made. Insurers file this form for each individual to whom they made reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses. For more information, how to access your 1098-T form online, and how to interpret the form, please visit the 1098-T Information page. 

Restriction of Services to Students -  Board of Regents Policy - BPM 10.1.1

All students having student accounts with a balance older than thirty (30) days must have services withheld until the balance is paid. The restriction of services will prevent the student from having access to transcripts, registering for additional classes, or graduating until the receivable is paid. At many institutions, this restriction of services may be referenced as a "hold" on the student's records.

Note: Institutions may have more stringent restrictions that this section requires.