

  • 在线博彩’s intent is to implement approaches and actions that will create an environment that is the most conducive to safe and effective interactions within the day-to-day operations and academics associated with the University of West Georgia.
  • 目前的工作计划是针对学生的, 教师, and 工作人员 to return to in-person operations and instruction for the Fall 2020 semester. 然而, plans have been developed if guidance is received to begin classes fully online or transition to online at some point during the semester.


在线博彩将于8月9日星期三如期开始2020年秋季课程. 12.


如果你是一名学生,并开始表现出COVID-19的症状, 请致电学生健康中心 678-839-6452 安排面对面或远程医疗预约. 不要走进来安排预约. 另外,不要去上课. 如果你住在校园里, 住房和居住生活将确定一个安全的地方,你可以自我隔离.


7月15日生效, 2020, 美国政府机构, 包括在线博彩, 需要所有的教员, 工作人员, 学生, and visitors to wear an appropriate face covering while inside campus facilities/buildings where six feet of social distancing may not always be possible. Face covering use will be in addition to, and is not a substitute for, social distancing.

在自己的宿舍房间或套房中,不需要面罩, 独自一人在封闭的办公室或自习室时, 或在符合保持社交距离要求的校园户外环境中.

Anyone not using a face covering when required will be asked to wear one or must leave the area. Repeated refusal to comply with the requirement may result in discipline through the applicable conduct code for 教师, 工作人员, 或学生.

Reasonable accommodations may be made for those who are unable to wear a face covering for documented health reasons.


We are navigating an extremely fluid situation as we respond to the challenges presented by COVID-19. We will continue to follow the guidance of our governing and guiding organizations as the situation develops. We will remain responsive to the changing environment and the guidance we receive from these organizations, 包括疾病控制和预防中心, 乔治亚州州长办公室, 乔治亚州公共卫生部, 以及佐治亚大学系统.



  • 没有人会阻止学生以适合他们的方式上课. The Division of Academic Affairs has evaluated all courses scheduled for Fall 2020 and has increased the number of hybrid courses, or courses in which technology is used to deliver 50 percent or less of class sessions.
  • 班级规模将根据正常教学操作安排, but remote options will be offered in all courses in the event 学生 cannot attend in person or need to isolate/quarantine during the semester.


  • The Division of Academic Affairs has modified the Fall 2020 academic calendar in preparation for the upcoming semester, prioritizing the health and safety of the campus community to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
  • 在线博彩将于8月8日星期三开学. 11月12日(星期三)结束常规教学. 25. Final exams will be administered remotely so that 学生 do not have to return to campus after Thanksgiving break.
  • 完整的,修改过的学历可以在 教务处网站.


课程 with fewer than 50 学生 will be scheduled in rooms in order to maximize social distancing while still providing instruction as close to a traditional format as possible. Large classes (those with more than 50 学生) will have attendance split on different days such that 学生 can attend one day a week in person and one remotely. 类似的选择将在许多课程中提供,无论大小.

校园将如何清洁和消毒? 教室空间? 生活空间?

  • The Custodial Services department in Facilities and Grounds will provide enhanced sanitation services during 在线博彩’s 返回校园. Custodial Services will perform enhanced cleaning of instructional spaces each evening.
  • 学生负责个人房间的清洁和消毒, 包括室内/套房浴室. 这些地方的清洁用品将由学生提供, and it will be recommended they follow CDC recommendations for appropriate cleaning products.
  • The cleaning and disinfecting of common areas in living spaces will be carried out by Custodial Services and 住房和居住生活 employees based on a predetermined schedule outlined in the 在线博彩’s Return to Work Plan.


Custodial Services will perform enhanced cleaning of instructional spaces each evening. 一整天, 工作人员将对洗手间等公共空间的高接触区域进行消毒, 游说团体, 走廊, 电梯, 楼梯, 等. 课间打扫教室的细节正在敲定中.

我什么时候可以搬到学校? 为了保证我的安全,搬进来算什么?

支持保持社交距离, the dates when 学生 will move into residence halls will vary and be based on a number of factors. 学生将收到入住日期的通知, time, 并在7月中旬之前发送到他们的在线博彩电子邮件帐户.


In partnership with the medical team in 在线博彩 Health Services – led by former emergency room director Dr. Eric Heine – 住房和居住生活 will work with 学生 as we navigate what a positive COVID-19 status means for both roommates, 尽在线博彩所能确保每个人的安全.


住客要自己打扫房间. Students should inform their Resident Assistant if they need training or recommendations for cleaning supplies.


Living in a residence hall is no different than you living at home with family members now. Your roommate and residence hall neighbors become your circle of friends that together ensure we are all staying safe and healthy.

What guidance is being provided to encourage social distancing in the residence halls?

We are educating and encouraging everyone to take personal responsibility to create a safe environment. 如果你对宿舍里的东西感到不舒服, 和你的宿舍生活协调员谈谈, and we’ll make whatever adjustments necessary to remind others how important it is to keep everyone in our community healthy. 在线博彩制定这些协议的目的是建立一种相互尊重的文化.


请通过无障碍服务网站或电话与他们联系 678-839-6428. 可访问性 Services 工作人员 will work with 住房和居住生活 to accommodate all 学生 with medical documentation of unique needs. 所有学生的健康信息都将保密.


和乔治亚州的其他餐馆一样, dining services at East Commons and West Commons (Z-6) will be converted to full cafeteria-style dining with socially distanced seating in accordance with guidelines from state agencies including 乔治亚州州长办公室 and 乔治亚州公共卫生部. 其他 facilities will continue to offer food-court style services and retail food services with social distancing and occupancy standards.

Pack Premiere还在进行吗?

是的,Pack Premiere将是在线博彩在8月9日开始上课之前的校园体验. 12. 请在7月份查看您的在线博彩电子邮件以获取更多信息.